You don’t have to spend a fortune on luxury travel to feel a million dollars. You just need space to retreat, relax and unwind. So dodge the airport queues, frantic holiday packing and traffic jams and make your holiday location your home.
Nothing shouts ‘holiday’ more than a lie-in and breakfast in bed. For sunshine on a plate, drizzle some lime over mango or try Jamie Oliver’s American-style one-cup pancakes topped with mango and a drizzle of maple syrup. Yum.
Image @omarsfood
Swap your morning coffee for a coffee body scrub. Yep, you heard us right. It’ll wake you up and help smooth out all those lumps and bumps. We love Aussie brand FRANK, but, alternatively, you can make a simple coffee scrub by mixing one cup of warm coffee grounds with a half cup of sea salt and two tbsp of olive oil*
Image @frank_bod
Once exfoliated, wrap yourself up in a fluffy bath robe and treat yourself to a DIY pedicure in a must-have summer shade. Then simply lie back and twinkle those toes as they dry in some imaginary golden sand… just try not to fall asleep!
You’ve pampered the outside, now pamper the inside with a salad that brings on a rosy glow. Try combos such as Madeleine Shaw’s strawberry and cauliflower or Deliciously Ella’s pomegranate, buckwheat and parsley for a feel-good lunch that will make you want to get up and go.
Nourish your mind, body and soul with some restorative yoga and bring your internal speedometer down to 0 mph. Try Yoga with Adrienne’s online classes and Yoga Camp for her super positive approach to creating balance and calming down.
Photo courtesy of Yoga With Adrienne
It’s teatime, but we’re not talking about a mug of builder’s brew. Lock in the calm, rejuvenated feeling you got from your restorative yoga workout with a cup of soothing lavender or mood-boosting chamomile. Enjoy a summer read.
Celebrate your staycation with dinner from your dream destination. Will it be an authentic Bolognese, a classic Spanish paella or a dish that conjures up memories of Greece? This naughty nachos dish from the US got our tastebuds going and is perfect for summer. Try Lorraine Pascale’s recipe here.